
Kody’s Emotional Breakdown Arrived On Scene & Regret During Grief!

Sister Wives star Kody Brown’s mourning the loss of his son, Garrison Brown, and Kody may be wondering if he made the right choices in the past. Kody fell in love with Robyn Brown and the whole family was affected. While no one should feel responsible for Garrison’s death (his passing’s a terrible tragedy), Kody and Robyn may be looking back and questioning themselves. Since so many people complained about Kody’s favoritism over the years, it’s possible that some of that criticism was valid.

Kody and Robyn are not beloved reality TV stars. The Sister Wives duo has been raked over the coals by fans for years. When Kody fell in love with Robyn, he began to treat his other wives differently – he gave them less attention. Kody’s kids by other wives often felt neglected too. It’s very sad that people were hurt by Kody’s bond with Robyn, but it’s definitely true that they were. Some of Kody’s children talked about this during Sister Wives season 18. Onscreen, Garrison said that he’d achieved a lot despite his father’s disapproval.

In retrospect, that confessional moment was wrenching – no one realized what was going to happen – even Garrison probably didn’t know. It was one of the saddest moments ever captured onscreen during the entire series. When Garrison talked about what he’d done to make his life better, such as buying a car that his dad didn’t want him to purchase, it was clear that he was in a lot of pain. It was like Kody’s lack of emotional support was a big hurdle that he had to jump over.

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Garrison bought a four-bedroom house in Arizona which was valued at 329K, as per The U.S. Sun. It had a fireplace, a courtyard and other amenities, and was a fairly short drive from Kody’s home. Before the purchase, father and son had been at odds. Garrison was taking steps to achieve important goals – he did become a homeowner, taking out a 336K mortgage that he had to pay back by 2054.

Of course, that was just one moment in the life of the Brown family – it’s unfair to say that Kody was always a bad father, or a bad father at all. However, at that moment, it seemed like he’d let Garrison down. Another memorable onscreen moment between father and son featured Garrison telling his father that he’d signed up for the Nevada Army National Guard.

Garrison joined the Nevada Army National Guard in lieu of joining the Army, as Kody didn’t want him to enlist.

Garrison Brown Was A Sweet & Loving Person – He Is Missed

Garrison Brown Had Many Wonderful Qualities

At a glance, the drama surrounding Garrison joining the Nevada Army National Guard appeared to make Kody look like a cold and uncaring parent. However, the truth was that he wanted Garrison to go to school instead. A lot of parents might have felt the same way. Was Kody a bad dad for pushing his son to get more education? Maybe not, but Garrison was obviously hurt by all of this. He wanted a dad who was proud of the choice he’d made. Some fathers might encourage their sons to join the army and be very proud when they do.

So, Kody and Garrison had issues and the root cause of their problems was likely Kody’s closeness with Robyn. Robyn was the catalyst for an astounding amount of emotional turmoil. Three wives ended up leaving Kody because of it. Some of the Brown children felt that only Kody and Robyn’s kids mattered to him. There were so many hurt feelings. The dynamic was unpleasant, and under the surface, it may have been much more toxic than viewers realized.

Was Kody Brown A Good Father?

Did Kody Brown Give Garrison Brown What He Needed?

kody brown sister wives hated montage with dislike buttons

Garrison didn’t get what he needed from life, but that’s not all Kody’s fault. Of course, Kody loved his son. However, their issues were a thorn in Garrison’s side. In fact, it’s sad but true that they were estranged when Garrison passed away. This is terrible for Kody – he had no way to say goodbye or say I’m sorry. Kody gets so much criticism, but living with that would be so grueling – it’s such a heavy burden to carry. There’s no closure beyond the horrible realization that a loved one is never coming back.

So, yes, in some ways, Kody failed his son, but most parents do fail their children sometimes. The truth is that more was going on in Garrison’s life. His issues with Kody were one stressor, but there were others.

While fans rush to judgment as Kody seemed so dismissive of his child in the past, they need to look at everything that was going on before he died. Only then can they get a clearer sense of what was affecting Garrison and pushing him towards self-destruction.

What Was Bothering Garrison Brown?

Garrison Was Living With Mental Health Issues

Montage Of Kody Garrison Brown Sister Wives both looking sad

Suicide is an act of despair. Those who commit suicide are dealing with mental illness, whether it’s formally diagnosed or not. Their minds override every survival instinct in the body. In addition to mental illness, Garrison allegedly had a drinking problem. Since alcohol’s a depressant, using it would have made his problems seem worse. Addiction itself can push a person to take their own life – it feels like a trap they can’t get out of. As well, Garrison was rumored to have had problems with an ex. Perhaps he still loved that person and missed them.

Kody can’t be blamed for all of this. Many people have very rough childhoods and don’t make that decision. However, Garrison’s issues with his father did hurt him. They were a factor – one of many factors. Garrison was open about his feelings onscreen, so no one is putting words in his mouth. That’s how he really felt. He thought Kody didn’t care enough. Now, Sister Wives “villain” Kody has to hear those words reverberating in his head for the rest of his life.

Instead of hating Kody, fans should probably pity him instead.

The thing is, Garrison didn’t hate everything about his upbringing. In fact, during a group text chat that took place shortly before his death, he referenced the good old days. Garrison wrote, as per E! News:

“I want to hate you for sharing the good times. But I can’t. I miss these days,”

Clearly, the fact that the family had changed so much was hard on Garrison. Janelle heard about that text and then tried to save her son but she was too late. His message gives a lot of insight into what he was thinking about at a pivotal time.

Garrison’s words are important. He seemed to be looking back, thinking about how good things used to be. At the same time, he was chafing against the sense of violation that he felt while he was being filmed. Garrison had mixed emotions, and his mood seemed melancholy to a concerning degree. That’s why Janelle tried to contact him and make sure he was okay.

Garrison made a decision that left other people behind, trying to pick up the pieces. Those people will be suffering for a long time, but Garrison is at peace in heaven. He doesn’t need to feel any more pain, fear or anxiety. Garrison will always be remembered and loved, but the people who remain need extra care and support right now. For example, his siblings and half-siblings are grieving. They’ve posted sweet messages for their brother online and talked about his mental health issues.

Kody needs care and support too, as he’s the father, and Robyn may also be very upset. Since Kody clashed with Garrison, his pain may be extremely intense. He could be quite fragile right now – Kody could really be hurting, but some Sister Wives fans don’t seem to care. They continue to add harsh rebukes to his older Instagram posts. Hopefully, he doesn’t read them.

Assigning blame over suicides is perhaps human nature, but these situations are as complicated as human beings are. Like a jewel, Garrison had many facets. One was his issues with Kody – another, his drinking. Then, there was his kindness to animals and his reputation as a great friend, landlord and son. Garrison was precious, and both parents need sympathy. The late Sister Wives star was loved, and his death is a devastating blow, and not just for Janelle.

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