
Mama June Did Most Appalling Thing To Deceased Anna

Mama June-YouTube

Mama June Shannon did the most appalling thing to her late daughter, Anna Cardwell. She has been caught fabricating what Anna’s dying wishes were. So, what has she done now that has pushed fans over the edge? Keep reading for more details.

Mama June Did Most Appalling Thing To Deceased Anna

When Anna Cardwell passed away in December 2023, Mama June made it clear that all of her wishes would play out on Family Crisis. This would also allegedly help her custody case against Anna’s ex-husband, Michael Cardwell. He is fighting June for custody of Anna’s eldest daughter, Kaitlyn, whose biological father has always been unknown. Yet, he and Anna did have a daughter, Kylee during their short marriage who he automatically got custody of when his ex passed. According to Michael, he had a great relationship with Kaitlyn after the divorce plus paid for many expenses.

Anna Cardwell-YouTube
Anna Cardwell-YouTube

On Family Crisis, Anna did not want Kaitlyn to go to her mother but rather her longtime partner and current husband, Eldridge Toney. So, there is a lot that is going on with Anna gone. At the same time, the show went on after her passing to show how the family was dealing. They all headed to Florida to spread her ashes but while there, June sprung a vow renewal on everyone. The one thing that got to viewers was her treatment of her late daughter. June had the urn with her but when she placed it down, she said “Don’t fall, b*tch.”

Reddit thread was just started to address the way that Mama June talked to her late daughter. Furthermore, viewers were disappointed that she had to do a vow renewal when it was supposed to be about Anna Cardwell. So, what else did followers have to say?

  • I’m just waiting for her to sell the ashes on eBay whenever this WeTV gravy train ends.
  • She’s just disrespectful to everyone in her life, even after they’ve passed.
  • No. When she said “what i would give to have her b*tch a** sitting right there” wtf.

Too Much

The name-calling has been way too much for fans of the show and how they fling around profanities at one another. Pumpkin is raising four young kids and was presumed to be raising a teenage Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson. So, viewers felt that she should be setting a much better example. However, it has come to light that Alana has not lived with Pumpkin since she was sixteen. Rather, she lived with her older boyfriend, Dralin Carswell, and possibly her other sister, Jessica Shannon.

What are your thoughts on how Mama June spoke to and about her late daughter? Do you think she should have more respect or is that not her? Let us know in the comments below.

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