EJ Heartbreaking Attack! Melinda Shocking Threat Unleashed! Paulina Uncovers a Life-Altering Secret

Johnny and Chanel’s Hospital Visit

Johnny and Chanel arrived at the hospital for an appointment with a specialist. Despite Johnny’s apologies for hovering over Chanel, she admitted that she enjoyed the extra attention. While waiting, they spotted Holly and had a brief conversation with her. To help settle Chanel’s stomach, Johnny offered her oyster crackers and informed her about his job search. He had posted his qualifications online and received interest from local production companies, though most opportunities were in California. Chanel advised him to wait it out.

Once called in by a nurse, Chanel and Johnny discussed the specialist’s benchmarks for the baby’s development, focusing on the crucial 11-week and 18 to 20-week stages. After the appointment, they pondered over the ultrasound image, with Chanel likening the baby to a bean. Johnny reassured her, emphasizing that the “bean” was a developing person. They discussed potential baby names, with Chanel suggesting Noel, a fitting choice given the baby’s expected arrival around Christmas. Johnny agreed. Chanel, still upset with her mother, acknowledged Paulina’s actions in her own way.

Later, Johnny received a call from a friend in the production business, offering him a potential job. Grateful but cautious, Johnny decided to discuss it with Chanel. Keeping the details vague, they decided to have dinner together.

Paulina and Melinda’s Office Meeting

Paulina brought Melinda to her office to discuss the District Attorney position. Melinda was pleased to hear that EJ had been removed but curious about Paulina’s intentions. Paulina offered Melinda her old job back, surprising her when Melinda initially declined. Paulina argued that Salem needed a tough, familiar face to handle crime, someone who wouldn’t abuse the position for personal revenge like EJ had.

Melinda sympathized with Paulina, sharing their mutual understanding as mothers who had made sacrifices for their children. Concerned about EJ’s potential reaction, Paulina assured Melinda that she would have her own power against him. Eventually, Melinda agreed to take the job, believing it could be her best protection. They celebrated over drinks and dinner, but the evening took a turn when Chanel and Johnny walked into the restaurant. Chanel, seeing her mother, quickly left, leaving Paulina hurt.

Holly and Tate’s Encounter with Leo

After leaving the hospital, Holly met Tate in the park to discuss her argument with Nicole. Tate consoled her, advising that people often lash out the most at family. Holly confirmed this with advice she had received from Tate’s grandmother. Despite feeling worse after their visit, Holly found comfort in Tate’s presence.

Their moment was interrupted by Leo, who attempted to secretly photograph them. When caught, Leo initially resisted but eventually agreed to delete the photos and keep their meeting confidential. He revealed his softer side, expressing his recent heartbreak and appreciation for their innocence. Relieved, Tate and Holly shared a kiss.

Nicole, Eric, and EJ’s Complicated Dynamics

At the DiMera mansion, EJ found Nicole and Eric kissing, which visibly shook him. Eric quickly pulled away, and they agreed it shouldn’t have happened. Eric explained to EJ that Nicole had been upset after a fight with Holly, and he had brought her home from the bar. EJ thanked Eric for being honorable and not taking advantage of Nicole. After Eric left, EJ and Nicole discussed her confrontation with Holly. Nicole defended Holly’s harsh words, admitting some truth in them, but EJ reassured her of her worth as a mother.

Nicole regretted not calling EJ after the argument, appreciating Eric’s support. EJ wished Nicole had leaned on him instead of Eric. Despite their conversation, it was clear that unresolved emotions lingered. Nicole later dreamt of kissing Eric, confessing in her dream that she still loved him and wished their baby was his.

Eric and Sloan’s Future Plans

At Sloan and Eric’s apartment, Sloan was settling their baby, Jude, when Eric arrived with a late dinner. Reassuring Sloan about his relationship with Nicole, Eric expressed his commitment to Sloan, calling her his now and forever. They discussed their future, including saving for a house, which delighted Sloan.

Eric mentioned his photography job, planning to take more photos for his story. Despite Sloan’s concerns about Nicole’s involvement, Eric assured her he would be working alone. After Eric left, Sloan answered a knock at the door, only to find EJ. Hesitant, she asked what he wanted, and EJ shocked her by declaring he was there to take the baby.


The lives of Salem’s residents continue to intertwine in dramatic and unexpected ways. From Johnny and Chanel’s hopeful preparations for their baby, Paulina and Melinda’s power shifts, Holly and Tate’s secret bond, to the complex dynamics between Nicole, Eric, EJ, and Sloan, every moment is filled with emotion and intrigue. Stay tuned to My Days of Our Lives 24 Channel for more updates and insights into the ever-evolving stories of Salem. Don’t forget to subscribe and give this video a thumbs up!

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